Tuesday, August 25, 2009


AP - V for Vendetta Project (due 8/31):

As explained in class, your job is to create an original composition using V's introduction to Evey as a model for your creation.

Creating a clear and coherent connection between word selection and content is the key to success on this assignment. Don't just randomly assemble words that feature your chosen letter or otherwise abuse the thesaurus -- be sure that the parts of speech are used properly and that the end result makes sense. As stated in class, the topic is completely up to you.

First impressions are always important. Regardless of any form of redemption you muster as the year moves along, a sketchy presentation and less-than-professional product is never a good thing.

From a humanitarian point of view, the purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to begin a rather difficult course with an "easy" A -- so don't botch it. Make the community proud.

Pre-AP - MyPropaganda Project (due8/31):

Create an advertisement or piece of propaganda utilizing one or a combination of the techniques covered in class (transfer, emotion, bandwagon, etc...). Try to keep the size to magazine proportions (half of a poster board, at most).

Don't forget to write a brief essay in which you addresses the intended audience, rationale, and purpose.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Advanced Placement English

Welcome back. If your summer went well, good. If not, then good thing it's over. Either way, you have made it another year. As far as accomplishments go, that's pretty minimal. But I guess it's a start.

I plan to use this blog as a way to communicate day-to-day assignments or pertinent information necessary to your success in my class. I will try to update and post as much as possible from this site -- otherwise, I will provide links to my personal website so that you can upload documents and other materials as needed. You can also post comments or questions, and I will do my best to address them as quickly as possible. At least that's the plan.

Ultimately, YOU are the one responsible for maintaining your materials (handouts, assignments, etc...). This blog is merely another attempt on my part to apply some degree of order to chaos. Hopefully it will serve as a successful tool for both the dissemination of information as well as for the clarification and reinforcement of difficult concepts. If nothing else, I hope that it can serve as an effective student forum -- a meaningful platform for the exchange of information. At least that's the plan.

And now for some Dylan:

T'was in another lifetime, one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue, and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form
"Come in," she said,
"I'll give you shelter from the storm."